My friends have been up to some pretty fancy things lately. Have you looked at the new issue of Martha Stewart Weddings?
That's my friend Saron's wedding inside taking up an entire 8 pages! She got married back in April 2014 and she and my friend Alee worked for months planning the most perfect night. The event took place in the cattle fields just besides her parent's house. It was so personal and was filled with so many special touches. Alee and Saron, along with family and friends, planned, designed, and built every detail of the wedding themselves. You can read all about it in the magazine, or you can download the Martha Stewart Weddings app through Newsstand and check it out on your iPad.
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Alee and I have been best friends since we first met in the 6th grade. Even as an eleven year old I was able to immediately recognize how incredibly creative Alee was, and I've spent the last two decades benefitting from her talents. These benefits include but are not limited to--handwriting lessons (lost cause), "help" with all art projects ("hey Alee, why don't you draw/write this and I'll color it in?"), help with designing and with flowers at my own wedding, and help painting and decorating my house ("hey Alee, I'll just bring these things in here and why don't you put them on the shelves where they need to go. K thanks."). Seriously, she has such a gift and can make anything look amazing.
Saron and I became close friends as teenagers when we were on our high school's dance team together. We both lived out in the country, 30 minutes outside of town in different directions, so we spent hours together riding around in our messy cars, wearing spandex dance wear, and eating an abundance of unhealthy foods. Saron has experience in event planning and can be counted on to get a job done right. She's got style, she's got sass, and I promise you will never be bored with her.
Alee and Saron have their own event planning and designing business and they make the perfect team. They are so talented and you can't imagine how hard they work. Plus, they're just fun. I'm so proud of these two and I'm not at all surprised by their success. Make sure to like their facebook page and check out their website. I'm sure they'd love to answer any questions you have about working with you on your event.
While you're at it, check out the article my friend Lacy Deese wrote for the Clarion-Ledger here.
Lacy's a friend and my co-worker at Crossroads Counseling. She's actually the one who helped me get the chance to be a part of Crossroads in the first place, for which I will be forever completely grateful! She's the perfect combination of wise and funny, and I love love love what she wrote about the goodness of God in this article. It's just so true.
And that's what my fancy friends have been up to lately.
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