I recently wrote an article about teens and social media use for Hometown Magazine. Hometown is a really neat magazine that has a publication specific to the Clinton, Brandon, Madison, Brookhaven, and Rankin County areas. I laughed at myself when I was writing it, because I sound so very serious. But in all honesty, it is a serious topic. I don't have a pre-teen or teenager of my own yet, but I can't begin to count the number of clients that I've seen who've had problems with social media use. It's absolutely one of the most common issues that I see. The name of this article is teens and social media, but really it's a good idea for us to all check in with ourselves from time to time and make sure we're using social media in a way that's healthy and positive.
I doubt you will be able to read the picture of this article very well, so here it is!
Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter—there are too many social media
sites out there to count, and the number is continuously growing. Teens make up
a large percentage of social media users, with many young people first
receiving a phone at ages as young as 10 or 11 and with many kids receiving a
tablet or laptop at an even younger age. When used appropriately, social media
can be positive—a low pressure way to encourage peers, a great way to keep up
with distant friends and family, and a fun way to share good news. However, as
a counselor I have seen social media use become a negative thing for teens far
too often— sending and receiving inappropriate pictures, viewing inappropriate
content, taking part in dangerous conversations, cyber bullying, and phone
addiction are just a few of the issues that I see daily.
Considering this information, it may be easy
for a parent to think, “Well, they just can’t
have a phone EVER,” but that isn’t realistic or
necessary. Social media use doesn’t have to be a
big, scary issue—it’s just one of many areas where your
teen needs some guidance. I’m so encouraged by
all the teens I know who do use social media in a way that’s
healthy and age appropriate, and by following a few guidelines, parents can
make sure they’re steering their kids in the right
Communicate clear expectations. This includes setting some ground rules. In the same
way that you wouldn’t let your young teen make his or
her own rules regarding who they spend time with, when they do their homework,
or what time they go to bed, it’s important that
you also provide clear rules regarding social media use. Some of these rules
might include not allowing certain apps until a particular age, designating
certain times as phone times, not allowing your child to take their phone to
bed with them at night, and having an absolute zero tolerance policy for any
sort of inappropriateness or unkindness towards others. By clearly establishing
these expectations when your child is young and sticking to them, you
communicate a high standard of accepted behavior.
in the same way that you’re in charge of
your home, you’re in charge of your teen’s phone and computer. This means that in the same way your teen receives
consequences for breaking rules in real life, they receive consequences for
breaking rules when online. Determine what these consequences will be and stick
to them.
Be involved. In the same way that you are involved in your teen’s real life activities and friendships, be involved in
their social media activities. There’s little that
alarms me more than hearing a parent say, “Well, I don’t
know what she’s doing on that phone. I just know
she’s on it constantly.” You certainly don’t have to track his or her every move, but have an
idea of what your teen enjoys doing while on their phone or computer. Know what
apps they have, how they work, and follow your child on each form of social
media. Know who they’re talking to and what sites they like
to spend time on.
You don’t have to do these
things like a spy waiting for your child to mess up. Be interested and involved
in all your teen’s friendships, activities, and
interests. Be excited about the things that make them excited. Engage them in
fun conversations. Assume good from them until you learn otherwise. This way,
it feels only natural for you to show interest in their online activities as
well, instead of like you’re trying to catch
them doing something wrong.
Privacy is a privilege, not a right. I am all for giving teens an age appropriate amount of
privacy and independence, but a phone is not a diary or journal. It’s a device that will allow your teen to be in touch
with literally any other person in the world at any time of the day or night,
and if you’re going to give a 13-year-old that sort of access, it’s wise to check in on them from time to time.
Establish early on that you have the right to look at their phone occasionally,
and do so as you feel is needed. Know the passwords to their email and social
media accounts. Listen to your instincts—if you feel like something’s wrong, there’s a good chance
you’re right. Check a young teen’s
online activity occasionally to make sure they’re
not headed towards a potentially inappropriate situation. As your teen gets
older and consistently demonstrates responsible online behavior, you can back
off on checking in on them as frequently.
Set a good example. Ultimately, your
example speaks more loudly than any rules you set ever will. If you’re checking your Instagram every fifteen minutes,
using Facebook as a means to engage in conflict with others regarding your many
opinions, or constantly comparing your life to pictures that you see others
post, you’re setting an example that your child will certainly
feel free to follow. Make sure that you’re using social
media in a positive, uplifting way. Make sure that you’re
uplifting others in general instead of letting your teen hear you gossip or
treat others unkindly.
Ultimately, these guidelines really aren’t about setting and enforcing strict rules. They’re about guiding your teen toward becoming a person of
character—someone who treats others with kindness, respects boundaries, and
represents his or her self with integrity, whether online or in the real world.
Social media isn’t bad in itself, and you won’t ever be able to protect your teen from all the bad
in the world or control everything they do. However, you can do your best to
point them towards positive experiences that help them become people of
character. Go out of your way to encourage experiences that help build your
teen up—such as positive friendships, school activities, involvement in a
church youth group, or any good activity that helps keep them from spending all
their free time staring at their phone.
Always strive to create a warm, open relationship with them so that they
know you’ll be there for them, even if they do make a mistake.
Thanks for reading!